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Personal Data Protection Policy


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This charter for the protection of personal data and the management of cookies details the policy of the Company La Cabane aux Tissus in terms of the protection of privacy, the collection of personal data and cookies. It applies to data collected on the Website In order to facilitate access to this charter, we make it available on our home page as well as in any other place where personal information is requested from you.

The purpose of this charter is to inform you:

  • on the means we implement to collect your personal data, with the strictest respect for your rights,

  • on the data likely to be collected on our Site,

  • on the use that can be made of the data collected and the rights you have over this data.

The company La Cabane aux Tissus specifies through this charter and / or whenever you are asked for personal data the purposes of the processing as well as the means of any operation (collection, recording, modification, etc.)

La Cabane aux Tissus is committed to:

  • ensure compliance with the principles on the protection of personal data,

  • inform people about the existence of their rights of access, rectification and opposition,

  • carry out the legal and / or regulatory formalities.

We inform you that we comply, in the collection and the management of your personal data, with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, modified and in its version in force, as well as to the general data protection regulation, adopted on April 27, 2016 by the European Parliament, and to the laws and regulations resulting therefrom.


1) Definition and nature of personal data

When you use our Website, and through it, we may collect personal data, which are communicated to us in the following context:

To manage your registration as a user on our site: If you decide to register as a user of our site, we will need to process your data to identify you as a user of it and to allow you to access the different types of functionalities. , products and services that are available to you as a registered user. You can delete your registered user account by contacting us via Customer Service by email at:

For the implementation, application and execution of the purchase or service contract concluded with us on our site: This purpose includes the processing of your data, in particular for:

  • Contact you with respect to updates or communications of information regarding the features, products or services entered into, including sending quality surveys on the products or services provided.

  • Manage payment for the products you buy.

  • Manage any returns after purchase and manage requests for information on item availability.

  • For billing purposes and to make orders made on our site available to you.

To respond to requests or requests made through Customer Service channels: We only process personal data strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or request.

For marketing purposes: This purpose includes the processing of your data, subject to your consent, in particular for:

  • If you have subscribed to our Newsletter, we will process your personal data to manage your subscription, including sending targeted information about our products or services through various means (such as email or SMS). We therefore want to draw your attention to the fact that this data processing involves the analysis of your user or customer profile to determine what your preferences are and therefore which products or services are most appropriate to your style for you. send information. For example, based on your purchase and browsing history (i.e. based on the items you clicked on), we will offer you products that we believe may be of interest to you. Please read our cookie policy for more information. Remember that you can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time and at no cost by making a request to our customer service by email at

  • Implementation of promotional actions (for example, for the realization of contests or the sending of your list of articles kept to the electronic address which you indicate to us). By participating in a promotional action, you authorize us to process the data provided according to each promotional action and to be able to communicate it through various means such as social networks or the site itself. The legal bases of each promotional action in which you participate will be at your disposal, with more detailed information on the processing of your data.

Ergonomics and quality analysis to improve our services: When you access our site, you are informed that we will process your browsing data for analysis and statistical purposes, that is say to understand how users interact with our Site, so that we can make improvements to it. Please read our cookie policy for more information. Likewise, we carry out quality actions and surveys aimed at knowing the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users in order to detect areas in which to improve our performance.

By "personal data", it is necessary to understand all the data which make it possible to identify you directly or indirectly (by grouping of information) such as names, first names, pseudonym, date of birth, postal addresses and mail electronic, telephone numbers, data relating to your transactions on the site, details of your purchases and subscriptions ...

2) Rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and opposition to processing

In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 "data processing and freedoms" as well as the provisions of the General Regulations on Data Protection, adopted on April 27, 2016 by the European Parliament, you have a right of access , rectification, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of personal information concerning you.

You also have the possibility to object to the processing for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial. You can exercise your right of access to data concerning you and have them rectified by contacting us by email at this address:

To do this, we thank you for sending a letter or an email, signed by the author of the request and be accompanied by proof of identity (national identity card or passport) bearing the person's signature. who exercises his right.

3) Management of personal data by the company La Cabane aux Tissus

3.1 Means of data collection

When you browse the website, and in order to be able to offer you the services offered on it, we may need to collect personal data about you. Before each collection of personal data, we collect your consent by means of a form to be completed and a check box after having read this Data Protection Charter.

3.2 Purpose of data collection

Your personal data is collected for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Send you newsletters, information letters and promotional offers to keep you informed of news;

  • Manage your subscriptions and unsubscriptions to newsletters and satisfaction surveys;

  • Develop reports, commercial statistics, market and behavioral studies, in particular with the aim of improving our products and better meeting your expectations by offering you products adapted to your needs;

  • Create customer accounts to enable your online orders to be taken into account, manage and process your orders, establish invoices, manage and process deliveries;

  • Ensure the follow-up of the customer relationship, in particular in the management of your complaints and your requests;

  • Manage your requests for the right to access, rectify or oppose your data;

  • Keep your data in legal documents in accordance with accounting standards, for the necessary legal duration, in order to respond to requests from tax administrations and social organizations if necessary;

We undertake to collect your data by limiting ourselves to the data strictly necessary for the purpose of the intended processing, in order to be able to process your requests and offer you the services offered on our website.

3.3 Data retention

The personal data that we collect are kept for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and at most for a period of 3 years from the end of the commercial relationship. and 3 years from the collection of data or the last contact for the prospects, and this, in both cases, only for commercial prospecting purposes.

At the end, as soon as the data collected is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected:

  • we undertake to contact you again in order to know whether or not you wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations;

  • otherwise, the data will be archived and anonymized or destroyed.

  • At any time, you can oppose the processing of personal information concerning you since you have a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition as has been explained above.

3.4 Data recipient

The personal data collected about you are intended for the company La Cabane aux Tissus

The data that we collect about you is not intended to be transferred outside the European Union. However, should this be the case, we guarantee, in the event of transfer of your data abroad and particularly outside the European Union, to implement all the appropriate measures to guarantee a sufficient level of protection of your data.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

4) Security and confidentiality of personal data collected

The security and confidentiality of personal data that you entrust to us is a priority for us. Indeed, we make sure to take all the technical and organizational measures useful with regard to the nature of the personal data that you communicate to us and the risks presented by their treatment.

This is in order to preserve the security of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, destroyed, damaged, or that unauthorized third parties have access to it. To this end, we have put in place technical and organizational measures.

The security and confidentiality of personal data are also based on individual best practices. Thus, we invite you not to communicate your username and password to third parties, to systematically disconnect from your profile and your customer account (especially in the case of linked accounts), to close your browser window to the after your session, particularly if you access the Internet from a computer workstation shared with other people, and do not save your username and password in your browser. This will prevent other users from accessing your personal information.


The term "cookies" includes all the tracers deposited when consulting a website, reading an email, using software or a mobile application in particular. This is a text file that the site you are visiting saves on your hard drive or in your browser's memory. A cookie allows your computer to store various technical data allowing general control of public access to our sites (number of visits, frequency of exposure to an advertising banner, connection to other sites, etc.) or the personalization of pages displayed for your future interactions with this site.

When you browse our Site, information relating to your browsing may be saved in "Cookie" files installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Cookies are important for the proper functioning of a site. Cookies are used to store connection information and provide a secure connection, collect statistics in order to optimize the functionality of the site and adapt the content to your interests. Below is a list of the cookies we use on our website:

Wix Analytics:

They allow the site to be tracked through the Wix Analytics tool, which is a service provided by Google to obtain data on user access to websites. Some of the recorded data is analyzed later. This is particularly the case for the following data: frequency of access to a user's site, dates of the user's first and last visit, duration of visits, page from which the user accessed the site, search engine used to access it or link clicked to access it, location in the world from which the user accessed the site, etc. The configuration of these cookies is predetermined by the service offered by Wix and the information generated by the cookie concerning the use of our website will be transmitted and stored by Wix.

1) Types of cookies

Several types of cookies exist and allow you to have access, once you accept them, to a certain number of functions.

The cookies issued by the company La Cabane aux Tissus on its Site:

These are cookies placed by the company La Cabane aux Tissus on your computer, tablet or smartphone, in particular for the purposes of browsing our Site. While browsing our Site, your computer dialogues with a server which provides it with all the requested resources by automatically recording each operation in a specific file in which your computer is identified by its IP address. Your browser therefore automatically transmits certain standard data to us: in addition to your IP address, this concerns in particular the type of browser you use, its functionalities, your operating system, the identification of third-party sites (Facebook) to from which you may have logged in as well as the dates and times of access to our sites. These data and in particular your IP address do not allow us to identify you by name.

The cookies we issue allow us:

  • to monitor the general activity of our Site, to spot errors and to ensure that our Site benefits from the appropriate material resources;

  • to establish statistics and volumes of visits and use of the various elements that make up our Site;

  • adapt the presentation of our Site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, operating system, etc.)

  • to make it easier for you to consult our Site by avoiding providing the same information on each new visit or by personalizing their content according to the preferences or centers of interest that you may have expressed;

  • improve browsing ergonomics and identify Internet users' areas of interest as a whole.

You are free to accept or refuse these cookies. You just have to modify certain parameters of your browser in order to refuse cookies or to be warned if a cookie is saved on your computer. You can also delete the cookies stored on your computer in order to permanently delete the information they contain.

Cookies issued on our Site by third parties:

The issuance and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies of which we are aware and of the means at your disposal to make choices with regard to these cookies.

Audience measurement cookies:

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2) cookie lifespan

In accordance with the regulations in force, the cookies collected on our Website have a maximum lifespan of 13 months.

3) Manage cookie preferences

You have different ways to manage cookies. Your browser can also be configured to notify you of cookies that are stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone and ask you to accept them or not.
You have the option of accepting or rejecting cookies on a case-by-case basis or even rejecting them systematically. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that any settings you can make will be likely to modify your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services may require the use of cookies. The setting of cookies is therefore likely to block your access to certain features of the Site. You can choose, at any time, to modify your preferences in terms of cookies by following the procedure mentioned below.
The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your preferences in terms of cookies. You can disable cookies by following the instructions below depending on the browser you are using:


We reserve the right to modify this Charter, at any time, in whole or in part, taking into account modifications and developments in our internal practices and procedures. The latter will ensure that they are always in compliance with any changes to French and European laws and regulations. We invite you to regularly consult this Charter, before any collection of your data, for a better knowledge and understanding of the use of your personal data. We may have to ask you, at regular intervals, to validate your knowledge of this charter.

Date of update and last update of this Charter: 05/11/2020

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